Valungid Peak (160+)

Bo. Chavayan, Sabtang, Batanes
Jumpoff: Opposite Chamantad sanctuary, Bo. Chavayan
Days required / Hours to summit: Half-day / 30 minutes
Specs: Minor climb, Difficulty 3/9, Trail class 4

The elusive and distant island of Sabtang in Batanes is one of the most beautiful places in the entire archipelago. Villages of stone houses – such as in Chavayan and Savidug – are in themselves enchating, but they are even made more so by the backdrop of grand coastlines, facing the waters between Pacific Ocean and South China Sea, as well as the rocky hills.

The customary tour of Sabtang includes, as its first stop, the Chamantad Marine Sanctuary, at the arc marking the entrance to Brgy. Chavayan. PinoyMountaineer is introducing a short but very nice trek as a great addendum to this stop. The destination is called valungid Peak, and it is just at the opposite side of the road relative to Chamantad. This hill is rocky and meadowy at the same time, with plants called voyavoy beautifying the place. The highlight of the climb is scrambling up the rocky face of the peak. Sometimes you have to pass between two boulders. The winds are fierce and deafening and the views magnificent; in spite of the low altitude (160 MASL), the feeling is as though you are on the highlands.

At the summit, marked by a rock which is reminiscent of Pico de Loro closer to home, the views are tantalizing: you can see the roads winding along the western coast of – culminating in Bo. Chavayan; and prominent in the views are also the other hills of Chavayan,. To the east is Batan Island with Mts. Iraya and Matarem; and directly below you is the Chamantad landscape. Both literally and figuratively, the Valungid hike heightens the Sabtang tour, and for mountaineers, this brief trek is highly recommended.

Valungid Hill is just a thirty minute hike from Chamantad Marine Sanctuary. Although grand, the overwhelming landscapes of Sabtang is essential to the experience and thus the itinerary for this destination will fall under the main “Batanes for Mountaineers” article to be posted shortly in

Some rock climbing/scrambling experience is required when attempting a climb of Valungid Peak. Whereas Chamantad beneath does not have cellphone signal, Valungid has good reception. Must-brings include a windbreaker for the fierce gales and gloves for the G2-like rocky face.


Scrambling up the rocky face of Valungid Peak is the main adventure.

The voyavoy plants deck the slopes; here the view is that of the scenic Chamantad Sanctuary.

Views at the peak include the western side of Sabtang, facing South China Sea, and the winding coastal roads leading to Chavayan.

Nomenclature: No pre-existing data for names has been detailed, so PinoyMountaineer is taking the liberty of provisionary nomenculature. we are preferring Valungid Peak since it is the local name according to village elders. The spelling follows the correct Ivatan.

I was told by village elders that the PALMC did an earlier, 30-man exploration of Sabtang as a mountaineering destination way back in 1996.

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6 Comments on "Valungid Peak (160+)"

14 years 11 months ago

The San Vicente port to Sabtang is in Ivana, a municipality in Batan Island. It has limited trips to Sabtang. You just need to confirm with the people there.

To get to Ivana From Basco : you can take a jeep at the town plaza (25 pesos, approximately 30-45 minutes). That's also where you can find Honesty Cafe, House of Dakay and the San Jose of Ivana church . 🙂

15 years 1 month ago

sir panu po maging member nyo

15 years 8 months ago

The port is somewhere near the Honesty Store and also near a Catholic church if my memory is still correct. There is a small port there. You won't miss it all, just inform the jeepney driver to bring you there.

15 years 8 months ago


We had a succesfull medical mission here in Ivana,Batanes.Another heartwarming people we treated.We truly enjoy helping these people,as we gave them also a message of strenght from our Saviour.As we go along the activity,some of us felt tired & wasted already maybe bcoz'of the short prep time.

We didn't go further the Batan island,for we include in our IT the Mt.Iraya climb.We had only 2days iterary for Batanes.

Then at last,another trail we explored.It's very awesome and wondrous mountain.We were guided by one of our officem8 Ivatan,thanks to him.

I think u need to ride a boat from basco crossing to sabtang,dont know where is the port either…tama ba gid?..

hapi trek!

15 years 8 months ago

sir wala gano kalayo ito from basco batanes