Camp Recipes by Fish: Adobong Manok sa Gata

by Chef Louie Lee Castro (UPM)

Starting June 2009, Chef Louie Lee “Fish” Castro of the UP Mountaineers will give us practical tips and zesty recipes for an outdoor culinary experience!

Mountaineers often crave for comfort during tough climbs. We bring thick clothing for the cold summit weather for warmth, earth pad to provide us with a little cushion from the hard ground and of course a little home cooked meal to provide not only nourishment for the body but psychological comforting as well. Adobo has always been a favorite packed meal among young and seasoned mountaineers because of the ease in preparation as well as its long shelf life, making it an ideal main course for any meal on extended or multi-day climbs. Adodong Manok sa Gata

500g chicken breast (hehehe)
100ml white vinegar
200ml soy sauce
40g salt
10ml oil
3 cloves garlic crushed
10g crushed black pepper
300ml water
240 kakang gata (coconut milk)

Put chicken. salt, vinegar, soy sauce, crushed garlic, and pepper corn together. Allow mixture to stand for about 20 to 30 minutes, stir occasionally in order to soak evenly.

Put mixture in carajay, add water, cover and let simmer until tender for about 45 to 50 minutes. stir the meat for a few times during the cooking.. Let it cool down in room temperature before storing in food container..

When cooking it on camp, ready your coconut milk or dilute gata powder in small amount of water water, reheat adodo when it reach boiling turn fire into low heat before adding gata mixture, simmer for 5 to 10 minutes..

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1 Comment on "Camp Recipes by Fish: Adobong Manok sa Gata"

14 years 9 months ago

Hi dear we achive anything but u have to always hard working. i dont want to understand.