Forum now online!

I am pleased to announce that today we have set up the trial version of the PinoyMountaineer Forum page. This infant website, I hope, will lead to greater interaction among readers of PinoyMountaineer and generate more information and excitement among mountaineers.

In a way, the blog itself has served as some form of forum, but it has limitations. Whereas the blog deals with articles and reactions to the articles, a forum can offer discussions as an end in themselves. Obviously we pushed the blog to the limit by adding such pages like “Sell Outdoor Gear” and “Open Climbers Sign Up Page”. These, together with various interesting discussions like the status of Halcon, which tent to buy, how to climb Kinabalu – are better placed in the Forum.

Already, we have divided the forum into categories, namely: Mountain Itineraries, Mountaineering Life, Gadgets and Gears, and Open Climbs and Events. The forum is open to everyone and anyone may create a thread or comment. Later on, we will also designate Site Administrators and Moderators. If you wish to be involved in the Forum, please email me at

All said, I would like to invite everyone to register in the Forum. It is still under construction so please bear with the present layout and colors. We may not always see each other on the mountains but hopefully this Forum is one place where we can interact more often.

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1 Comment on " Forum now online!"

15 years 1 month ago

Sir Gid,

Suggestion po sa forum, sana po lagyan nyo po ng "Trading Section" para sa mga under nun ung "For Sale Items" para dun nalang ipopost ung mga "Brand New" and "2nd Hand/Surplus items" ng mga sellers.
Then another section under pa rin nung "Trading Section" yung "Looking For" para naman sa mga naghahanap ng mga mountaineering items para mabigyan sila ng offer ng mga sellers. Newbie po kasi ako and nag-iipon na ko ng gamit. Malaking tulong po un sa mga sellers and buyers.

