Hiking matters #148: Outdoor shops in Kota Kinabalu, continued

KOTA KINABALU – Upon our arrival, the PinoyMountaineer Mt. Kinabalu Expedition Team was billed at the four-star Promenade Hotel and it was a little bit farther from the Gaya area where I stayed a few weeks ago with the Orang Gunung Kuala Lumpur. On the day before our Mt. Kinabalu climb, my friend Pamela and I decided to check out the “third outdoor shop” in KK, which I missed out in my previous post.

Borneo Outdoor Gear is located at the first floor of Plaza Wawasan, which is just a block away from Promenade Hotel if you turn left. The selection of gear and equipment turned out to be as comprehensive as that of Tech Outdoor Shop in Jesselton Point – although Tech Outdoor has a wider range of clothing, including jackets. Borneo Outdoor is strong on cooking equipment and headlamps, with lots of Petzl and Black Diamond on display.
I bought a very nice earth pad, very similar to the ones I saw my friends from the OGKL use when we were at the basecamp of Mt. Trus Madi – and for only RM30 (around P500). So to summarize, there are three outdoor shops in KK: (1) Tech Outdoor Shop in Jesselton Point; (2) Outdoor Shop in Centrepoint Mall; and (3) Borneo Outdoor Gear in Plaza Wawasan. Happy outdoor shopping to all!

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2 Comments on "Hiking matters #148: Outdoor shops in Kota Kinabalu, continued"

13 years 10 months ago

how about in Basco, Batanes? is there an outdoor shop where butanes are sold? Thanks


13 years 10 months ago

sir gid, ang ganda nung girl sa 2nd photo. girlfriend nyo ba? bagay kayo. hehe

– edwin p.