Hiking matters #189: The launch of PinoyMountaineer Shirt no. 1

I consider it an important moment in PinoyMountaineer.com’s four-year history that we have been able to release hiking shirts today. The shirts were made available in The Perfect White Shirt outlets around Metro Manila, as part of a collaborative effort to produce shirts that bear the message of responsible hiking and outdoor recreation.

“Don’t Change the Mountain” is the clear message of Shirt no. 1 – it is a call for hikers to minimize impact on the mountain, and allow instead the experience of mountain climbing to make a positive difference in their lives.
I visited the Glorietta 3 branch of The Perfect White Shirt today. It’s on the third floor, located inside the Teenzone emporium (right in front of Toby’s). I met with Philippe Arenillo of The Perfect White Shirt, himself an avid mountaineer and a colleague at the UP Remontados.
He informed us that as of 1700H, the shirts have sold out in most branches. But more shirts will be produced and they will be made available within the week. To have sure copies, we are advising folks to pre-order their shirts (no need to pay) by emailing shirts@pinoymountaineer.com. You can also text/call Philippe at +639178545696 for more information.

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1 Comment on "Hiking matters #189: The launch of PinoyMountaineer Shirt no. 1"

13 years 8 months ago

im really gonna buy one pagdating ko ng manila.

jp pineda
dolefil mountainnering club