[Updated] Climb with Me: PinoyMountaineer Charity Climbs on Mt. Pulag (October 1-2) and Mt. Ugo (October 8-9)!

To continue our annual tradition, I will be organizing the Third Annual Charity Climb of PinoyMountaineer.com. To give more opportunities for people to join, there will be two climbs: Mt. Pulag Ambangeg-Ambangeg (October 1-2, 2011) and Mt. Ugo Traverse Kayapa to Itogon (October 8-9, 2011). We have chosen the two mountains because of their large carrying capacities, but even then, participants will be limited to around 40 per climb. This is the first time that I will be doing it as a medical doctor, and the advocacy of this climb is close to my heart.
The ME in ‘CLIMB WITH ME’ stands for ‘Medical Education’: I believe that there is much work to be sdone in educating our people about common health problems. Moreover, I see the internet as the platform for this advocacy, because more and more Pinoys are using the internet. Thus, the beneficiary of the Third Annual Charity Climb is the infant website called Kalusugan.PH – the first health information website in the Filipino language. In the same way that PinoyMountaineer is providing information for mountaineers, Kalusugan.PH aims to provide information to everyone, in a language that can be easily understood. Participants will see the effect of this ‘climb for a the cause’ any moment, and you can actually use the website for your health and wellness (it is now in ‘beta version’ right now – click here to see it).
Participants will be requested to contribute P3,300 for either the Mt. Pulag or the Mt. Ugo climb. If you are joining both climbs, you can avail of both for P6,000. This is inclusive of the following:
*Roundtrip transportation from Manila
*Entrance fees
*Guide fees
*PinoyMountainer Shirt no. 3 by The Perfect White Shirt!
*Your contribution to Kalusugan.PH
Note: Food, tents NOT included
The cost is more expensive than the usual Pulag or Ugo climb because this is a fundraiser and the proceeds will go for the construction and development of online medical education through Kalusugan.PH and other avenues. A full accounting of the climb proceeds will be emailed to the participants after the climb for greater transparency.
Trail: Ambangeg-Ambangeg
Difficulty: 3/9
Day 0 (September 30, 2011)
2200 Assembly at Victory Liner Pasay
2300 ETD from Pasay
Day 1 (October 1, 2011)
0500 ETA Baguio City. Take jeep to Mt. Pulag
0700 Breakfast along the way
0930 Orientation at Visitors’ Center
1030 Set out for Ranger Station
1130 ETA and heavy lunch at Ranger.
1300 Start trek to Campsite 2
1430 ETA Camp 1
1600 ETA Camp 2.
1800 Evening program / Socials
Day 2 (October 2, 2011)
0430 Early morning trek to summit for sunrise
0545 Arrival at summit just in time for sunrise
0700 Start descent from summit
0800 Back at Camp 2; heavy breakfast
0900 Decamp; start descent to Ranger Station
1130 Back at Ranger; Settle guide fees; jeepney descent
1230 At DENR-PAO; tidy up and log out
1400 Head back to Baguio City
1700 ETA Baguio City. Dinner.
1900 Head back to Manila
Trail: Kayapa-Itogon Traverse
Difficulty: 6/9
October 8-9, 2011
Day 0 (October 7, 2011)
2200 Assembly at Victory Liner Kamuning
2300 ETD from Kamuning
Day 1 (October 8, 2011)
2200 Assembly at Victory Liner Kamuning
2300 ETD from Kamuning
0500 Arrival at Bambang; take jeep to Kayapa
0700 ETA Kayapa; Registration; start trekking
1200 Arrival at Indupit Village
1700 Arrvival at Domolpos Village
1800 Dinner / socials
Day 2 (October 9, 2011)
0400 Wake up call, breakfast, sunrise viewing
0500 Break camp. Head up to the summit
0630 Arrival at summit of Mt. ugo (2130 MASL)
0800 Start descent on very steep, ridge-like pine forest trail
1000 End of steep trail, start of rolling pine forest trail
1130 ETA Old Saw Mill
1200 Lunch
1300 Resume trek
1700 ETA Itogon Village; take pictures at Itogon bridge
1730 ETA Brgy. Hall, tidy up and prepare to leave
1800 ETD for Baguio via chartered jeepney
2000 ETA Baguio, proceed to Manila by bus
Submit this form to climbwithme@ymail.com to reserve your slots!
1. Destination (Ugo or Pulag):
2. Full Name
3. Nickname
4. Birthday
5. Cellphone number
6. Home Address
7. Have you participated in a previous PM charity climb?
8. Occupation (If student: educational affiliation)
9. If member of a hiking club: name of hiking club
10. Contact details in case of emergency:
11. Medical concerns, if any
After emailing these details, you will be given instructions on how to confirm your slots.
Thank you very much! I am looking forward to climbing with everyone in these climbs.

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1 Comment on "[Updated] Climb with Me: PinoyMountaineer Charity Climbs on Mt. Pulag (October 1-2) and Mt. Ugo (October 8-9)!"

13 years 7 months ago

nag send po ako details to climbwithme@ymail.com yesterday afternoon po, pero wala pa po feedback. Hope we can join the Mt. Pulag CLimb. 3 po kami.
salamat po.