Gear Review: Dexshell Coolvent Lite Socks (Preliminary)

It’s waterproof, and it’s breathable…unbelievable! These two characteristics have always been the ‘Holy Grail’ of all outdoor products, from shoes to jackets, and finding both of them on your socks would be a true outdoorsman’s delight.

I too, was initially skeptical, but the Dexshell Coolvent Lite Socks proved its worth when I went it up Kibungan, Benguet to do the Kibungan Circuit Version 2 last weekend. Its breathability was put to test with the 23.5-km circuit, and I used the socks the whole time, except when I was sleeping. I didn’t have any moisture problems! Of course, it helped too that my Merrell Moab Men’s Mid Waterproof Boots was also waterproof and breathable.
The ultimate test was at the end of the trail, at Mayos River, when I dipped the socks on the river itself! The inside of the socks didn’t get wet! My feet remained dry, and when I put my socks inside my shoes, the amount of moisture gathered by the socks wasn’t so much, and my feet felt and remained dry!
I will write a more extensive review of the socks after a couple of months for use. I am interested on how it can withstand sustained use, and how it will perform in the cold (I’m bringing it up Kilimanjaro). But for now, I like it and I already got my second pair.
In the Philippines, this product is distributed by SPG (Survival Plus Gear) and you can visit their Facebook page here. The price is P1,200.

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3 Comments on "Gear Review: Dexshell Coolvent Lite Socks (Preliminary)"

13 years 3 months ago

Hello Sir Gid,

Are there outdoor shops here in Metro Manila that sell Eureka tents?

Merry Christmas and more happy climbing years ahead of you,

Thank you,

13 years 3 months ago

Nice performance of a breathable yet waterproof socks.

I was just wondering how it can be washed to remove the dirts and odor inside, without washing away its waterproof capability.

13 years 3 months ago

Where can I get a pair of these? hiw much?