Mountain News: Mt. Tibig now closed, but other trails in Lobo available

We have been informed by Mon Gayas, longtime explorer in the area, that Mt. Tibig will be permanently closed to hikers. The full notice posted by Prof. Anacleto Caringal of the Batangas State University – one of the supporters and pioneers of the hiking activity in the area – reads:
Due to emerging challenging within the local community, village governance, and ultimately by property rights concern over Mt. Tibig, we regret to inform everyone that effective 08 October 2016, Tibig was purposively closed to mountaineers or mountain tourists. For information of everyone, Tibig of Brgy. Talahib, Batangas City is only a portion of the Mt. Banoy range with more strategic access for visitors via Lobo. Based on accessible community records, Tibig was climbed more than 9,000 times since 2014.
Mountaineers who still wish to climb Mt. Banoy range will be coordinated and guided to have access point in Sitio Hasaan, Brgy. Balatbat and the usual access point in Sitio Hulo, Brgy. Banalo. Despite of (sic) emerging challenges, the muncipality of Lobo, Batangas will continue to advocate for responsible mountain ecotourism as one of the priority programs for sustainable development. that will always spread co-benefits across segments of the local community.
To all our mountain visitors you are always welcome in Lobo, Batangas.
On the brighter side, there will continue to be hiking opportunities in the Banoi area, and more broadly, the town of Lobo – including Mt. Naguiling, Mt. Lobo (Bangkalan and Nagpatong Peaks), and Mt. Banoi.
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