Selling your hiking gear? Wanna trade your extra tent for cash? Maybe fellow hikers can help. Post a comment here about items that you wish to sell or trade. Don’t forget to include your contact details and your desired asking price.
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723 Comments on "Sell outdoor gear!"
Selling Futura Pro 38L – Just used it twice. I don’t have a picture of it right now since I’m out of town for now. Will be back last week of November.
PRICE: bought it around 6.5k+, selling it 3.5K
just email me: dwightdy@icloud.com
Pre Owned FIRE MAPLE(FMC-201) non stick Outdoor Cookset(2-3 persons) and CENTURION Trekking pants
For sale as set
Location:Cainta Rizal
Contact: 0921-681-0698
I'm selling my hiking/trekking bags.
-Hawk (black 30L, purple 42L)
-Deuter ACT Lite 45+10 (brand new)
should you have any more inquiries, please text my number or do visit my ads on olx. thank you.
Hello Mountaineers! Just wanted to post on your awesome site my Conquer 65liters back pack that i would like to sell. Bought it a few months back for my travels out of town in remote areas of the country. My work is with a Solar company that distributes portable solar lanterns and crank type emergency flashlite with am/fm radio that can charge a mobile phone as well. Anyway, regarding my backpack…used it only 3 times and it is in great condition! .color is black, no tears or repairs needed. Maingat po ako sa gamit =). If interested, cp is 09052568285. I live in evangelista makati, near magallanes flyover. can do meet ups at alphaland, waltermart or moa. Selling it for just Php. 2,500.00. Feel free to contact me. Thanks!
Selling/Trading: Mountain Hardwear Exposure Parka Conduit Waterproof Breathable Jacket
Size: Medium(Brand New)
Color: Smoke grey and Black.
Only worn once nung sinukat ko pag dating dito sa pinas.
Php4,800 Only!(Original price of Php11,550)60% off the retail price.
Willing to trade sa tadpole tent (TNF/Apexus) or sa 1P tents ng MH or Apexus Micralite. Add cash pwede pagusapan depende sa item mo.
RFS: Item was bought from Amazon, not the color I ordered, I ordered another one.
Text 0915 623 8961
Item is in Manila
Actual photo: