Hiking matters #355: The beginning of our Mt. Elbrus climb

The drive from Mineralnye Vody was scenic, revealing the vast plains that evoke this part of the world, and then Baksan valley, upon which mountains gradually revealed themselves. Here we are surrounded by pine foreats and snowy peaks, and at 2057 masl it feels very good.
We will be doing our first acclimatization hike tomorrow and I’m hoping that we will be blessed with good weather and enough strength for the days to come!
Hiking matters #354: Training climb – Ma On Shan in Hong Kong
Hiking matters #355: The start of our Mt. Elbrus climb
Hiking matters #356: First acclimatization hike – Mt. Terskol
Hiking matters #357: Mt. Elbrus basecamp and beyond
Hiking matters #358: To the Pastuchov rocks
Hiking matters #359: First summit attempt – Aborted!
Hiking matters #360: Successful and dramatic ascent of Mt. Elbrus
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