Mountain News: Mt. Makiling is closed until further notice – including Maktrav

We have been notified by UP Los Banos officials that they have decided to close Mt. Makiling for now, in the wake of the accident involving two UPLB students who were found dead in Flatrocks last week. This closure includes all trails, including the trails coming from Sto. Tomas, also known as the Maktrav trail. The UPLB Trail, which starts from the College of Forestry, is also closed.

Mountain News: Drowning accident in Mt. Makiling claims lives of two UPLB students

The UPLB officials are expected to review safety and security policies during the closure period. At this point, we have no idea how long this closure will last. There have been previous closures due to landslides and weather-related problems, but this is the first time in recent history that Makiling has been closed due to a safety issue.

Our reaction to this: “As one of the most popular hiking destinations in the country, Mt. Makiling attracts all sorts of people, and even the best-protected areas cannot be immune from accidents. Nevertheless, it is good that UP Los Banos under the leadership of competent men like Dr. Rex Cruz and Dr. Enrique Tolentino are making the precaution of reviewing their policies about the mountain. Mountaineers will be relieved to have their doubts cleared regarding the recent tragedy involving two students. However, we also wish that this process will be prompt, so that hikers can resume their visits to Makiling.”

PinoyMountaineer will release updates on Mt. Makiling as soon as we receive them from our friends in UPLB.

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2 Comments on "Mountain News: Mt. Makiling is closed until further notice – including Maktrav"

11 years 10 months ago

curious tlga ku s mt.makiling ' ..

12 years 1 month ago

sir sarado pa din makiking?