Hiking matters #292: Now in Leh in Jammu and Kashmir, India – at the Indian Himalayas

LEH, LADAKH, INDIA – We are now in the Indian Himalayas, in the town of Leh, 3452 MASL, 10 C. Today is acclimatization Day 1. From our guesthouse, we can see Stok Kangri, 6143 MASL, the highest trekkable peak in India. It is very cold up here, and I really hope we can acclimatize well. Meanwhile, let me sharing a picture of Taj Mahal, which we visited in Agra, India:

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2 Comments on "Hiking matters #292: Now in Leh in Jammu and Kashmir, India – at the Indian Himalayas"

12 years 6 months ago

Nice dude, you just missed me I spent 3 months up there and completed about 10 walks including Stok Kangri and I walked from Leh to Manali. I have walked most of the routes around Leh and quite a few in Zanskar so if you have any questions email me at bwhitburn@gmail.com. I'm now in the Philippines looking at a few hikes.

12 years 6 months ago

Acclimatization?!? for what? hehe suspense ito.. happy climbing! 😀