Gear Review: Fire Maple FMC-201 Cookset

My simple criteria for judging a cookset is fourfold: (1) I can easily hold the handles even while cooking; (2) I can easily clean the cookset i.e. no stains; (3) It’s not too heavy; and (4) It is durable. It is this criteria that made me retain my Kovea cookset for three years, until I handed it over to one of my favorite guides in the Visayas.

Of late, I have been using a Fire-Maple FMC-201 Cookset which is distributed by Camp Sandugo. It boasts of an aluminum body, non-stick coating, and weighs only 750 — it’s not for ultralight people, but it will do for a ‘normal hiker’ like me. Moreover, this cookset has two pots and one pan – making it perfect for small group hikes. Finally, the handle is coated with a material that does not heat – an improvement from the metal handles of my old Kovea.
So far, it’s been working well – I’ve used it in several major climbs, including Kibungan and Mt. Ugo in Benguet, as well as Snow Mountain in Taiwan. I don’t change my cooking ware too often. For instance, my Kovea stove is still alive and burning after 7 years. So now I am content with this Fire Maple set. At just P1685 pesos, I think it is a worthy purchase. As for durability, time will tell.

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2 Comments on "Gear Review: Fire Maple FMC-201 Cookset"

11 years 5 months ago

I currently use this cook set. Pretty good for the price, I just wish they could've used a more durable non-stick coating though. Mine already has quite a number of scratches just after a few climbs, some of them come from the pieces rubbing against each other during transport. Cleaning is very easy because of the "Arkzo Nobel" coating and you'll rarely need to bring any cooking oil. As long as you take good care of the delicate non-stick coating, I believe it should serve you well.

13 years 15 days ago

sir, we also use Kovea as our cookset. Just bought it for P1800 last February and we'll gonna use it today in Mt. Batulao. Let's see its durability. : )

– freeclimbers