Mt. Patukan 4th Invitational Open Climb

March 31 – April 5, 2010
Organized by: Kalinga Mountaineering Society

Itinerary have been modified in order to fit the requested schedule, however from previous experiences on Mt. Patukan, The Jeepneys are unpredictable on their schedules, The weather is unpredictable, The terrain condition is unpredictable and the road is also unpredictable , number of climbers is also a factor on the mobility. For the best option, always expect for the worst, refer to itinerary both on wet and dry season. Please bear in mind that there are no itinerary that will suit each own capability and mobility, every mountain is dangerous..treat and respect every mountain as dangerously friendly either minor or major they possessed the same danger… are invited to climb Mt. Patukan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(via Lubo Tanudan Trail)

Day 0 (March 30, 2009)
1800-2100 ETD for Tabuk City via Autobus or Victory Liner Kamias (P600/pax ticket) 12 hours journey by bus

Day 1 (March 31, 2009)
0900 Breakfast
1000 Board a 6×6 truck to Se-et, Tanudan (P200/person)
1200 Lunch at Se-et (Pack Lunch)
1300 Continue journey by truck
1600 ETD Tatatakkan (Jump Off)
1700 ETD Base Camp Lubo
1800 Secure Guides and Registrations
1900 Dinner / socials and Tagays

Day 2 (April 01, 2009)
0530 Await the sunrise; prepare for breakfast and departure
0700 Start Summit assault via Lubo Trail
1130 Early lunch along trail (First water Source along the trail)-Preferably Pack Lunch
1700 ETA Summit of Mt. Patukan
1800 ETA Camp Site- Hunters Cave 2
1900 Dinner/ socials and Tagays

Day 3 (April 02, 2009)
0530 Await the sunrise; prepare for breakfast and descend
0700 Start descend
1130 Early lunch along trail –
1400 Start descend over a waterfalls approximately 60 degrees 120meters high(rope and system required i.e harness, carab etc.)
1500 Start descent from the top of a rock slope approximately 60 degrees
180 meters high. (rope and system required i.e harness, carab etc)
1600 River Trekking
1800 ETA Base Camp Lubo Village (Note: For experience river trekkers only, they are expected to arrive at 1800 at Base camp)

(For the worst Scenario)
1800 ETA Base of the slope/ ETA Gappo river/prepare for dinner
1830 Dinner/ prepare for night river trekking
1900 Night River trekking/stone jumping
2200 ETA Base Camp Lubo Village
2300 Socials and Tagays

Day4 (April 03, 2009)
day just in case the itinerary could not be followed; this day can also
be spent with the friendly locals who will welcome you as their guest
and visitors. Immerse yourself in their way of life!)

Day 5 (April 04, 2009)
0600 wake up call
0700 Prepare to Move /Assault to Jump Off
0900 ETA Jump Off Tatakkan
1000 Board 6×6 truck ETD to Tabuk City
1200 Lunch along the trail
1800 ETA Tabuk City
1900 Dinner Socials and Tagays
2100 ETA Tabuk City
2130 Dinner/ Socials

Day 6 (April 05, 2009)
0800 Breakfast
0900 Souvenir shopping
1200 Lunch
1600 Return to Manila/ Baguio via Autobus/ Victory Liner/ Gl Trans/ Dangwa Tranco

(Note: For climbers who have carabiners and harnesses please bring them with you)

Fees: P3,500 inclusive of return ticket from Tabuk City to Manila, T-Shirt, Registrations, Foods for 6 days, Porters and Guides, gadgets and equipments rental, drinks to sawa, and Back n forth fare from Tabuk
city to Tanudan. For more information please contact 09216023500. 25 pax available slots

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4 Comments on "Mt. Patukan 4th Invitational Open Climb"

14 years 10 months ago

guys, is there a climb between june 26-28, 2010. pls let me know, il be going to manila on that date.. tnx.


15 years 1 month ago

please visit for more info and list of participants ..thank you- Nats

15 years 1 month ago


15 years 2 months ago

asug asug!!!